Izo Announces New USB DAC / Headphone Amplifier

Japanese company izo (read as eye-z-o) today announced the new iHA-1 V2SX USB DAC / Headphone amplifier. A high quality condenser is used in the digital/analog section for higher sound quality conversion. Panasonic FC condenser is used as the power source condenser. The analog base plate and the digital base plate are separated for noise reduction. With the izo iHA-1 V2SX USB DAC / Headphone amplifier you get a powerful, great sounding headphone amp plus RCA outputs to connect to your home stereo. The USB DAC / Headphone Amp lets you connect your computer to your Amplifier via the built in USB port and stream your entire music library with remarkable fidelity. The iHA-1 is optimized for a wide range of headphone impedances. and can handle even the most difficult headphones.

The rated output is 550mW×2ch (64Ω), 75mW×2ch (600Ω) and signal-to-noise ratio rating is 132dB.The new iHA-1 V2SX USB DAC / Headphone amplifier measures 147×180×43mm, weighs 900 g and will be available in Japan on October 26th for approximately 89,800 Yen ($980).